Brew wife (/bro͞o wīf/) : a sophisticated lady married to a wonderful man who is obsessed with making (beer, ale, etc.) by steeping, boiling, and fermenting malt and hops while turning our small apartment into a chaotic mess and completely taking over the fridge to fill it with beer.

beer or wine

I am halfway through completing a masters in liberal studies. It has been quite an interesting experience since my background is in science. I am really enjoying all my courses so far which have included anthropology, astronomy, art, and philosophy. But the class I enjoyed the most was a wine appreciation course I took during the summer. I learned so much about wine that I almost feel as snobbish with wine as my husband is about beer, Ha!

This is a picture of our last class, I almost look like an expert ;) ... or at least I think I do!

Anyway, I found this awesome chart that helps us beer drinkers (especially Laz) find a wine that might match their preference in beer.

So..... I think I will actually test this out! I'll post details to let you know how it goes...


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