Brew wife (/bro͞o wīf/) : a sophisticated lady married to a wonderful man who is obsessed with making (beer, ale, etc.) by steeping, boiling, and fermenting malt and hops while turning our small apartment into a chaotic mess and completely taking over the fridge to fill it with beer.

what is old is new again

It's no secret I like to collect things! Way too many things! I have all sorts of random collections which include bird cages, cake stands, cookie cutters, vintage Pyrex, pill boxes, tea sets, etc, etc... I mean, who doesn't collect stuff?
Most of the things I collect I find in markets, antique shops, and thrift stores, but some are things I rescued from my grandparents and other family members.
Thrift shopping is one of my favorite hobbies and I wish there were more good thrift stores here in Miami as there are in New York.

Anyway, I lucked out this weekend with these amazing finds at a local thrift in Coconut Grove called "This and That". It is a small store but merchandise moves fast so if you check often you will surely find something worthwhile.

So, I found this awesome heavy aluminum bund cake pan that I can't wait to use!
And this lovely amber color Pyrex that even came with a stand! Yay!

And..... look at this super cool beer growler Laz found! Its from a brewery in Indiana!

I guess we both lucked out!
If you have a favorite place you like to thrift please share the luv and let me know as a comment, thanks ;)


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